So embrace the propaganda
Work does make you free,
Laboured to conform
And then to die in poverty;
Must subscribe to expectations
The stereotypical mould
Always to the end,
Do you do as you are told?
Strive for the job
Your betters have deemed fit.
Told what to say
And exactly where to sit;
Keep your money in your pocket
Because theft is rife,
But jostle in the queue
To buy indemnity for life.
Authorities demand that each
Should need to be contrite;
And pretend you can’t tell
The wrong from right.
Told utter nothing controversial
Or you will stand out,
But berate not the vulnerable
Because now its time to shout!
The heartless does expect
For the humble to obey
And only the most audacious
Will be aloud out to play.
Each generation has own
With dictates too bold,
But at least the righteous ones
To the end, remain unsold.
Indeed to ask why
The reason that bullies thrive,
Because cowards hide behind them
For such injustice to survive.
It’s easy to be scared
But speak up for what’s right,
And when they come for you
Be proud to stand and fight.
Enveloping all abound
The malevolent cloak of fear,
To ensure acceptance
The collaborator to cohere.
See the quisling’s reward
For betraying the strong,
They’re dismissive of the reality
Such pain to prolong.
Indulge not in platitudes
But reach for the truth,
Give testimony of the virtuous
And still remain aloof.
Consider your dignity
For all that is real
Is it just another sign?
Arbeit Macht Frei.
So don’t ignore the plight
Of the poor or the weak,
Challenge bilious attitudes
Stay austere from the clique.
Its not a giant leap
To disregard the evil showers,
Understand Niemoller’s text
And cherish human flowers.