cave fera mens
Now dignity interrupted
Without acumen of control
See the desecrated human
The pitifully troubled soul;
For those disillusioned
Left contemptuous and bitter
Cause impaired deliberation
Become jealous of the glitter?
But situations do change
To those disfigured with grief
When a whisper becomes thunder
Through a smog called disbelief.
Oh! such proficiency
For that’s all we knew,
Unable to subdue the pain
When only indifference grew;
Leaves no strength within
No transparent ray of light
Lying awkwardly awake
Through the dark anxious night.
Too many voices in my head
With too little to say
So tedious, so inadequate
Makes for a risqué bouquet.
They’re called the mind thieves
Without contract or ties,
To steal you’re future
While in familiar disguise.
Worse confusion still
By a thousand miles,
Are sycophants of the mind
Sneer platinum truffle smiles!
When devote contemplation
Spawns frustrated consequence,
And even profound common sense
Offers no recompense;
We then exposed our souls
For all the world to look
Then whinge and whine
While festering on Facebook;
So my Mulberry buzzes
With special offers for me
But they never comprehend
My innate vulnerability.
I smile, in abundance
For all in sight,
And the earth it does tilt
But it’s only quite slight.
Through the havoc of the lows
And the mayhem of the highs
In dark places of the mind
When thought defies.
For those are watching
I pretend I’m electronic
So sapientia melior auro
It’s basically safe – if a little demonic
Wild thoughts so loud and vulgar
That screams for attention
Plus the salacious malign reflections
All deserve a mention.
Only the downtrodden
Understand the wrong,
For mans time on earth
Does favour the strong.
Forlorn and unforgiven
In shadows we hide
While our flimsy emotions
They smash and collide;
In fear of the night
When mankind cries out
Protected by nothingness
And crippled by doubt.
Failure to recognize oneself
And life’s a struggle just to crawl
From an all consuming night,
Into the darkness to fall.
Wild infringements on the mind
Carries no purposeful thought;
See the Beast’s bloody carnage
To what comfort was sought.