Nasty little Tommy was – a devout embittered trier
The lickspittle cure was also, a nasty hateful liar.
Like grubby stage curtains, he would part his greasy hair
And secretly encourage others, to speak as their dare;
For this evil little pixie had a mission so grotesque
To generate spiteful gossip, from behind his office desk
He’d befriend the innocent, with intentions that ugly
Then reiterate with malevolence, twisted so smugly.
Telling all and sundry, least they could forget
Tess has sex with strangers – she met on the internet,
With lies abundant, to get Ophelia the sack
Claiming benefit theft and a slave to smack;
Inventing the fat Becky rumour, what an ugly whore
Then blame the entire story – on the guy next door,
Kelly’s emotions through the muck he did drag
So he spread the story, she’s a desperate slag.
Mary was a pleasant girl, with nothing to gain
She got the sack from her job with a lie about cocaine;
He confessed one night, in a pub drinking session
I made the coke story up, that’ll teach her a lesson!
Katie was decent, so what depths would he steep
Tommy’s bitter unbridled fibs, all dirty and cheap
His slander like him, was petty grubby rot
Implored the management, to trust her not.
Bazaar how he felt, he was always in the right
Cos he said his prays – to dreamland each night,
Use the God excuse, his much beloved redeemer
Usual coward’s shelter, for a repulsive schemer.
What drives such libel, from a creepy misogynist?
Such actions of betrayal, bet he never been kissed.
Listened to colleges and encourage them greater
And nobody knew, that Tommy was a traitor;
For those reputations, that he would blight
Infecting and polluting but keeping out of sight,
The modern world culture facilitates his bent
Still nattily dressed and pays on time his rent;
But a PC and an iPhone, with lap top at home
Called ‘electronic interaction dependence syndrome’
From a safe distance – rein degradation through Sims
Revenge porn, lies and hurt gossip on chosen victims.
One might say, well he’s out of control
Tommy is now officially – an online troll,
Face reality boy, be that sooner or later
The floored personality, of a malicious woman hater.