In absentia luci, tenebrae vincunt
From 53 nations, across the globe they came
To fight for liberty, the freedom game.
From Italy, Chile and Poland too
Men and women dedicated and true;
Brave conscripts from across the earth
Here against oppression, to show their worth.
They were prepared to die for a sacred cause
Ignoring their government’s pusillanimous laws.
Heroes came and their blood would flow
The like of which the world would know.
There was Durruit, Jones and Oliver Law
Yanks and Europeans – as never before.
From Madrid University to Cable Street
Volunteers each one, to an insurmountable feat.
Communists, Jews and Christians stood together
Shoulder to shoulder, fighting hell for leather.
As right wing thugs planned their Crystal night
Stand firm to the end, stand firm to the fight.
Rally the volunteers, for this is where it starts
To the battle fields of Spain, with fire in their hearts.
Embolden the combatants, as only freedom can
The barricade battle cry was, No Pasaran.
At first encounters, the flag indeed was lost
Death and destruction, such abject cost.
The journey was painful, still miserably long
Carnage of the people, both the weak and the strong.
In effect these battles, continue to rage today
We must never let the oppressors, have their way.
When innocence is destroyed due to non-compliance
See the blood of common sense spelling out defiance.
With state sanction murder in the local town Square
And when the barricades go up, will you be there?