Andante moderato
You XY women, best you know who you are
You’re special, well strange, no sign of a scar?
Indifferent medical tests claimed all that it could
Not in tune with nature – be it bad or be it good?
Emotions over racked, believed better you had died
If not for the screaming – that’s coming from inside.
Resort to behavioural therapy, for those in denial
Society’s embarrassment itself – puts the innocent on trial.
I’m sure the fine Doctor will do everything he can
Says old ladies in shop doorways, what a lovely man.
He’s good with Arthritis – Septicaemia with pills
A practiced bedside manner with knowledge of ills.
Assessing every fact – next issue the medication
Then moves on at speed, with little hesitation.
Girl on the outside and what? A boy within
Quandary of a problem, you’re potentially a sin!
Prescribe medieval magic – of time it does unfurl
Chance one of two options, a boy or a girl?
When cornered for a answer, no comment and hide
Wash hands of this problem and let the parents decide.
This medical condition, left the qualified confused
No test is conclusive, No avoidance unused.
A freak of environment – has been encountered here
Little interest in the indivual so, better stand clear.
Civilization when confronted, will surely apply blame
It’s the parents, it’s the child’s, its nature’s total shame!
You upset harmony, so now you are on your own
No advice and no support, so just carry on alone.
Disenfranchised asunder from given defined gender
To a lifetime of doubt – must not to surrender.
Now we have a name for this endocromic ambiguity
Androgen insensitivity syndrome, 46XY continuity.
Well the medical profession, anxiously now make plans
For a better educated society – more likely understands?
But seeing the picture laid bear – not a comprehensive roll
Of the sad tortured heart of the confused lonely soul.
People should not be defined by their conformity to plan
As long as one is genuine, matters not a women or a man
Care not the attachment – to a label that we’re knowing
So is nature’s cruel experiment is still ongoing?