Ignorance breeds fear, ignorance breeds hate
When enlisted aghast it could be too late.
Gangrene gossip spewed from desperate faces
They‘re so totally void of any endearing graces.
Obtuse comments cascade – for everyone to hear
Oh my, well isn’t it that, just so very very queer?
The pig ate the strawberries off the wedding cake
This animal a metaphor for the greedy and the fake.
Best examples of hubris, they’re always around
Still weary now – of such irradiating sound;
So cleverly smug to humiliate the staff
Mitigations drown out, by tedious phoney laugh.
Pretend they’re popular and so loudly gregarious
Scheming constantly, that’s just so hilarious!
Their glee is the trepidation reflected in others eyes
Servitude’s offering – of hate filled petty lies.
It’s corporate intimidation and I’m not the corporate type
I’m indoctrination cynical, never believe the hype!
With bitterness and ignorance so pitifully to see
They compile lies and stories to a shocking disagree.
The language of the company, drones on in reality
Meticulously designed for those – with no personality.
Nothing eloquent, to acknowledge the bloody mess
Such corruption of compliance and hail the brainless.
The trouble maker holds supremacy to reign;
Chav bore champions, friends again and again
With the company’s ethic being – a bully’s ultimatum
‘Best friends are so important’, reiterated verbatim.
A job just to instigate and co-ordinate vendetta
To persecute the weak, as one’s raison d’etre?
Not impressed, you may have ascertained in haste
What a miserable shame; what a shameful pathetic waste.
So what type of friends, do you buy with lies
Plus spreading slander, earns substantial pay rise!
Corporate talk’s important – everybody must conform
Dictates the ignorant twats, who‘re stirring up a storm.
A good career, for the pathetically insecure to falter
Like the bitter sow called Hate – who was jilted at the alter,
Where the poorly educated, obey the stupid bosses
All complacently aware of massive dignity losses!
The personal childish feuds are nourishment like food
With fowl nasty lies, so venomous and crude.
Intolerant of religion, sexual preference and of races
Are the sycophantic jellyfish, with their dumb stupid faces.
The intoxicated lush burst into vicious personal rants
Blood libel from scheming, such simpering sycophants,
They believe in their own importance, so pitiful for sake
And the pig ate all the strawberries, from off the wedding cake!
This bullying is evil and the perpetrators scum
We all become integers, in the corporate final sum.
I see shallow people – in such deep water
Deluded with power, I see sheep to the slaughter.
Lies and filth endorsed, just a management bent
Nepotism rampant, when no one pays the rent;
But this type of loyalty is so fickle and cheap
As they turn on each – they craw and they creep.
Still you know, we all exist and need to earn
No crime for one, with such a lesion to learn.
When quality is ignored, what message this sends
With pay rises and promotion, there’re only for friends!
More monotonous propaganda, called corporate talk
While trampling down others, with the company walk;
When time has come, to then understand why
Friends turn traitor, and burn down the pig sty.