Only chaotic systems have intent of the rationale
Build Schematic aeronautics for the airborne carnival
We enjoying packet switching like an etiquette selector
And deploying ram jumpers, on an exceptional vector.
Observe Empire no more, only ever discord and sin
A porcelain philosophy and now the sky is falling in,
Create weapons by robots, for weapons sake
Misguided & grotesque that kills beauty in their wake;
See the smiling metal vultures, as they engage chosen suitors
And fight off shock troops with sophisticated computers.
Life on the wire is a complex and bitter road
Manufactures murder – now etched in Java code,
With the Peacemaker replaced, by system bod technicians
Facilities a range of destruction and carnage positions.
Who sent the metal machines – from the land of clones?
Leave the dogs of war fly, cos their all attack drones.
Judiciary of cyber rockets, launched with electronic passion
Followed them on screens and watch the LEDs flashing,
A world gone mad just like a screaming banshee
I’ll stay hidden underground and wait out world war three.
With nature stamped out and the plants disappear
All replaced with circuitry, forever and a year
Achieve the desirable with remote control power
In an automated society, we exist from hour to hour,
The robotic weapons mean that society is protected
With a smart chip in the head, we all are well connected.
Through confident defence, so how could one die?
A silicon processor has replaced the blinking eye;
Such a bright future; Oh such a bright day
With luxury killing machines and what price to pay?
Sinister untamed technology – fly’s higher and higher
System corruption, Incoming! Call it friendly fire.