Adagio : Tenerezza
Was that an accidental meeting
Blissful, exciting, yet so fleeting,
Are you a sumptuous brand new friend
Stable and dependable until the end?
Or perhaps just my lucky – one night stand
Tis never was in truth, a liaison planned
A rendezvous, a secret tryst galore
I saw you so exposed, that what I saw.
Caught in the moment thus sublime
Relive the excitation – time after time
Dare to entertain, but a scenario unreal
Just too cruel a thought I had to feel,
Could this be Heaven and Nirvana together
Heart bouncing strong, yet light as a feather.
A single event of such profound intensity
Irrational but yet such – luscious propensity;
Lifestyle choice – the glamour of romance
Emotionally fuelled, by a random chance
Heart thumping strong, eyes illuminate bright
I’m still feeling just so, very special tonight
Will this last a lifetime or maybe an hour
Do we part as friends or does it all turn sour?
Touch me, where I burn with lust
Engage my body, feelings and trust.
Secret pleasure unique, exquisitely fine
Embrace the union – of the clandestine;
Your panache profound, hide’s caricature true
Or a hollow façade, is it still really you?
I could wish to set – my hopes on fire
Carnal love drives, these feelings of desire
Moment of beauty to nurture or remiss
The extraordinary evolving of just one kiss.