Moderato : con fuoco
Do you believe in chemical warfare
Do you believe in sex with the dead,
Do you believe in the cannibal children
And everything that Jesus said.
Shit TV and morning calisthenics
Do you believe in enforced Eugenics
Round up the insane, disfranchise the tramps
Do you believe in labour camps;
Do you believe in settling the score
Do you believe I’m the Babylon Whore.
Do you believe in sexual blasphemy
Do you believe in the blessed anarchy.
Do you believe in the passion turned sour
Do you believe during each waking hour,
Do you believe in such anger unshed
Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead.
Do you believe in the laughing betrayal
Do you avoid in facing out the gale,
Know yourself by the way you hide the proof
And swear a pledge, on the Scriptures of truth.
Do you believe in a society under the rod
And Monsanto’s responsible, for the Lamb of God.
Do you believe in the exaltation of the best
In the furnace of Hades, the final test.
Do you believe in the guilty plea
Condemn yourself, you trinity of me;
Do you believe in toeing the fascist line
And beholder thou continence truly divine.
Do you believe in the sacred oath
In Objectivism and commercial growth,
Do you believe in crucifixion of the weak
And the sweet pain of life is all we seek;
Do you believe in all that is looming
Do you believe in the modified human,
Do you believe you’re more than life’s guest
I believe you’re as gullible as the rest.