Hinc lucem et pocula sacra
Posh intellectuals of the time
Believed our system was a crime;
Reading Marx and Engels his best pal
They spawned the ideology of Das Kapital.
The option appeared so damned attractive
Our Russian brothers were indeed reactive;
Working men and women demanded a say
A new way of thinking, for a brighter day.
To live and die without self determination
When born into a society of class discrimination.
The Russian proletariat – now set free
This was indeed Utopia, that was clear to see;
From Trinity College they‘d meet at night
Their aversion to money is the reason to fight.
Guy met Anthony, converted to the cause
Kim’s secret job too, will unlock esoteric doors;
Donald the diplomat took the torch and ran
Plus an eternal mystery, called the fifth man.
It was easy to do, steal the fruit from the tree
With public education and Cambridge degree;
Inspired not by greed, no remuneration
From positions of trust they betrayed a nation.
These educated men, how far will they go?
Blinded trust in their masters – from Moscow.
Many good people, had their lives then taken
To work for the Bolsheviks, the five were mistaken.
Not trusted they were, by the Russian secretariat
Cos these disillusioned toffs, were never proletariat;
Orwell took graciously, two books to understand
That the dictate of Starlin, create not a promised land.
Still the ideals of Marx are genuine and true
But their not their interpretation, if only they knew.