Wondering why, still pondering how
Looking back – at a good life now?
Back to a much more gentler time
Least I envisaged, a happy prime.
Life was simple, so assured, so snug
Contentment and delight of a lovin’ hug,
Things were correct and indeed secure
Excitement was extra – not the allure.
Were we just so very innocent?
Idyllic comfort, now lost and spent,
Aspirations of the future were to enable
Situations appeared that more stable;
Economics is now the base requirement
In this cold heartless, grey environment,
This encounterance was empty, has no soul
Better by far, than decaying on the dole.
The taste of survival now bitter and sour
I count the days and months, hour by hour;
Constant propaganda – utter factitious dross
And the ignorance adjudicator, couldn’t give a toss.
My quest is that of much endeavour
A burden so gross, although not that clever,
Perchance has fate, for me to foil
Forever and a day – a destiny to spoil;
Driven by a fix, we’ll call it ‘need’
To service the rich and their repulsive greed,
The simple and poor on their knees to pray
For many long periods, of each bastard day.
Servicing products, insurance to loans
Selling investment to faceless drones,
Inject extra cash into your savings bond
The stupid public comply, still been conned.
This globalisation trick is a Judas kiss
Anything gained, only later to miss;
Adoration of money – obsess on the rate
Rampant self indulgence, a pitiful trait.
Hedge Fund managers, gluttonous and odious
Their secret bank accounts so commodious,
To the devious Technocrats lack plain veracity
As they happily commit – financial atrocity.
So to myself and no undying shame
I struggle not become part of the game;
Emotionally sterile, the accursed took a dive
Yet take and factor in, mans need to survive.
Joe Public oblivious to being abused
The credulous unemployed, still being used
Greedy, greedy is the name of the game
When it all turns to shit, who takes the blame?