Some Politicians are genuine and try their best
Don’t succumb to bribes, they pass the test
Others are dangerous and ‘on the take’
Or like power too much, self-indulgent snake
The hick boy, racist garbage dump
Preaches hate and mistrust, that’s Donald Trump.
So When the real people
Take control,
Then who’ll be hiding
Down the hole?
Such a ludicrous
Waste of time,
To vote for lazy
Voracious slime
Public school boys
Pass laws for friends;
Slavery of the workers
Knows no ends.
By world endeavours
The best solution,
When the proletariat
Takes retribution,
Politicians hiding stolen loot
Under their beds
Condemn the beast
With gluttonous heads.
Just like Gaddafi
And just like Hussein,
Caught crawling along
Down a sewerage drain;
At least realize
That so called democracy,
For it will never really
Never set you free.
The people need
To fight and strive,
Denounce the lawmakers
Of the affluent hive,
In utter desperation
Then start a war for jingo
While mugs waved flags
And played Sun bingo.
So blissfully unaware
Their sons were dieing
For political gain
Now once again lying.
The wealthy Lords and MPs
With their addictions to nurse,
Many caught stealing
From the public purse.
But that’s OK
Because they make up the rules
For the poor dumb voters
Those simple hoodwinked fools;
If the rich got richer
It may trickle down?
Says some toffee Etonian
In an Oxbridge town.
Cut back benefits
And minimum wage;
No taxes for the wealthy
Is just the next stage?
When the time comes
If you get the chance,
Treasure your invitation
To the revolution dance!