Molly’s in the mosh pit
Playing spot the misfit;
They say she has no feeling
Nail your heart to the ceiling.
Celestial body type, she’s gone to ground
Wears a leather twin set, from the lost and found.
Watching the skies, meteor showers
During sepia toned – daylight hours,
Like The Hell Fire Club, it’s a wanton goal
She’s a smouldering spirit, out on parole.
A night dancing crazy – guess what I saw?
Ghosts of the Hedonists banging on her door.
Life’s a bitch with a sucker punch
Just tell ’em baby – I’m out to lunch;
Hollow guilt, is her emotion embargo
Impound feelings, is the bleeding cargo.
So rely on cheap tricks and revolution
Or turn to faith, a Morphine solution.
Playing kinky games with the Venus Rockers
Molly loves to pull off such hot shockers;
She writes prophecies, in blood still warm
But constantly oblivious of that impending storm.
So this is her world – in the fast lane she lives
Through blessed insanity, she gives as she gives.
Just like crash dancing – into life’s disaster
She’s more the sadist than the puppet master;
Her antipsychotics, she drowned in whiskey
And treats herself good, whenever frisky.
Face book page title I’ve grown a tail!
An uncomfortable truth, she’s well off the rail.
Suffering the Bedlam, with little remorse
Hot girl Conquistador, that’s par for the course;
Molly’s neural coding, is something quite unique
Each psychopathic second, is beyond critique.
She said with bravura, I’m so electronic
A third millennium witch, now that’s ironic!
Life’s can be humdrum, chose not to admit
Leaves her bouncing around, in the endless mosh pit.
Today’s lessen, it’s been well learned
Of bruised egos and those she’s burned,
Respect Molly’s tastes, she just wants to bounce around
Yes people like themselves, but she’s all about the sound.
Her entourage not always, restlessly on guard
Flamboyant glitter winged, a silver tongue façade.
Yet she bears her soul dancing like a divine sacrifice
The Concierge uttered – Your lippy looks nice,
The subversion that remains, a sparse silhouette
So our Molly got moshed and without regret.