Collecting the most exciting artefacts in style
Retailing trey unique for friends or hostile.
What ever burns – as your heart’s desire?
The Merchandiser is the man, he who can acquire.
With stones and precious rocks, minerals and pearls
Enjoying amazing creations – from far off worlds;
While vices thrive and virtues fade
Buy up all the painite, plus postage paid.
He ‘ill sell you a dream, from a public domain
Then retail you chaos and control of the rain,
Sell you the right to sue Chaucer for libel
Or an original signed copy, of the Gutenberg Bible.
Frames of colour and black flashes of might
Pure psychic energy, burning so bright;
A long long day, with no chance of sleep
Or a damn good copy of Dolly the sheep.
He got a penchant, for Feng Shui cars
And a lost-in-ruins, treasurer map of Mars,
An original recipe for Model’s Own
Plus enough DNA to build your own clone.
Those with insecurities, their shallow personalities need
Propagate his business and panda to their greed,
Buy the very last hour of beautiful day light
May be a terra cotta army, buried out of sight;
He’s got a genuine Rembrandt’s autograph
Hydropic emotions and look – a two headed calf.
Can retail you a compass, as used by Raleigh
Or even a blank canvas, not even touched by Dali;
As for his latest unique – called a stock acquisition
He claims to have bought, an honest politician.
There’s a Penny Black stamp, to travel first class
Plus a live Kardashian doll – shaking her arse;
Or wonderful funeral, features a coffin of oak
Then enjoy your own wake, with obituaries and coke.
Borrowed cash underpinned, by your very will
Endorse power to indulge – so just send in the bill.
Buy an embroidered gold box, of accumulated fears
Now try the knack of romance – delivered without tears.
A trophy wife with large mammaries, that’s feisty and funny
Or a bag of Rockefeller’s – lost mystery money,
Delicatessen treats exquisite truffles and candies
Remember the plane that was lost in the Andes?
He even stole the voices of them embittered witches
From the Comedy Club of Salem, left them in stitches.
It’s not what you feel, I‘d say it’s more what you know
Like the Romanoff fortune – only footprints in the snow.
The merchandiser any wiser, he has it all to gain
And a tiny weenie piece of Einstein’s brain
He’ll sell you false hope, pills of cruel apathy
He’s even got a copy of Lucia’s third prophecy.
For a thirsty personality, try rare vintage Champagne
Everything that anyone exclusive – needs to obtain,
Upstanding noble courtesans, bearing children of the elite
Or complacent gigolo dandies all desperate to compete!
Trinkets so sumptuously resplendent, traded from afar
Such breathtaking craftsmanship – adorns the objayda.
He has acquired holes in the ozone, plus Cinderella gas
Tickets to the X Factor and a 24 hour pass;
He sells peace in our time, to people who know better
Extra votes for the affluent, plus Napoleon’s last letter.
Buy an airgonaut girl who will teach you how to fly
Then sail and flicker – across the magnificent night sky;
To purloin another’s dignity, is just stock on his pitch
So many poor people suffer – to satisfy the rich?
They were duped by propaganda’s pitiful dancing clown
Wealth is just like a fountain; So watch it trickle down?
But in was then merchandiser turned cold and aloof
When asked kind heartedly, for a small bowl of truth.