A year before years, embedded twix the wars
Opening of windows and slamming of doors.
200,000 people killed, as earth’s plates grate
Magnitude immense, in region – Xining state.
Seismic waves on the geographical fault
Cracking of the earth that nothing could halt.
The right and left they clash, in city of Berlin;
And civil war in Mexico, so who was to win?
Like when Tunney met Dempsey on Soldier’s field
Both pugilist knew that neither would yield;
Across a sporting world, interest was immense
The Mauler attacked with the traditional defence.
Round 7 saw Tunney – to the canvas left dazed
But after the Long Count, he was left unfazed.
So round 8 saw the Jack – clean out of luck;
Said to wife Estelle, Honey, I forgot to duck.
Belgium beat England in International soccer
A score of nine to one was a real Tommy shocker.
Two rising yank stars, well still in their youth,
Johnny Weissmuller himself and baseball’s Babe Ruth.
What s all this kerfuffle and what all the whoy?
About a monoplane called the Sprit of St Louis.
Flown by Lindbergh whose fame would be sealed
When he landed his plane – in Le Bourget Field.
Just 33 hours from America to France
The medal of Honour and christened a dance.
The start of a new era, such a hum dinger
With synchronized dialogue, called The Jazz Singer.
Metropolis too, true artistic endeavour
Defined Fritz Lang – proved ever so cleaver.
From Pinkus realization of the mantel Follicles
To Born on the quantum theory – of the molecules.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty this time was sure,
And the Compton effect for less or for more.
Both year of disaster and yet great achievement,
Of artistic triumph and mankind’s fulfilment.