The joy of a sweet smile and a lovingly embrace
Greatest of all life’s pleasures, never to replace,
So much the Bon Viveur, the creative life I crave
Composing verse of passion, on hard drive to save
Watching a Marine parade rally, full of antique cars
Dreaming of chromed rocket ships, on route to the stars;
Flying through deep space, at twice the speed of light
Or cured up in bed comfy, in the desolate dead of night.
Stay free from panic that the occasional morning brings
Sparkly fireworks, Neon Rocks, such exciting shinny things;
It’s the first day of the week, living at the coast
Pop into Shortt’s for my Sunday roast,
Taken time off from work, across the beach I wander
When at peace in my head, it’s a panorama I ponder,
Eating Thai food with gusto and the diet’s forsaken
Worse – cooking Cornish pasties rapped up in bacon.
Going for a Brighton ride, on a double-decker bus
Stuck in traffic jams – I study the people without a fuss,
Enjoying windy blustery days, nearly blown off my feet
A scruffy bench at Black Rock, I call my ‘poetry seat’.
Being embroiled in tails, of such courageous daring do
By those super sharp sleuths, known as Buttplug and Poo;
Loving art and exhibitions that doesn’t cost a penny
Like popping down the road – to the Sallis Benney.
Indulge a different restaurant each and every night
Watch Burning of the Clocks by lantern bonfire, candle light,
A windswept trek across the Downs, I roam
Or winter afternoons – etching a stanza, comfy at home
Reciting classic poems, so loudly when drunk
Alternatively, memories of mayhem when I was a punk;
Thinking back now I reminisce, on events time forgot
Being loud, honest and opinionated, I apologize not
I was proud to be activist, worn with battle fatigue
After long day marching – with the Anti Nazi League,
Gigging all the colleges, owning the stage
Singing ‘Fuck the System’ with political rage,
Now so many years on and ideology not worn away
The very zest and beauty of life is as strong today.
Well I still sound off; flirting dangerously with facts
But that’s just me – pissing on the railway tacks,
My Love’s happy squeals, on a cold Christmas morning
Immersed in a pile of presents, when I’m still yarning.
Jumping around Tey Garden, after heavy snow downpour
Pools of crystal clarity like the prophetic dreams I saw
Don’t waste my time on line, like a cerebral mouse potato
Instead indulge in life’s enjoyment quoting Socrates and Plato;
Appreciate and delight in golden red rich sunsets
Through difficult times, it’s still as good as its gets.
An autumn day on the Pier, sitting beside the sea
Staring out towards the horizon – only you and me.
When feeling rejected, if people listen not
Let them be the ones – the ones to be forgot;
Live for the instant, live for the now
It’s a delicate mind set and know the way how,
I sleep the sleep of the righteous, not the rest of the lazy
Then awake to dance with passion – like only the crazy.
Gamely enjoying, this existence all the while
Keep a penchant for gratification – in a hedonist style,
Indulging in life’s pleasures but keep consequences ready
Least never to forget Yeah, to stay Rocksteady!
Indeed pursuit of happiness, is very much the quarry
Still ignoring life’s fundamentals, like memento mori.