Throughout the course of time on earth
What truism used, one might be worth.
For the sin original is still human today
If exist one must, then must one pay?
What more to ask, when so easily guided
To sing and chant; well I am undecided
Compelled by greed – such a selfish intention
And driven of course, by man’s convention.
From the melting polar caps to the white cliffs of Dover
Pack up your joy rides – The carnival is over
We treat reward givers like primordial gods
They invented fire and nuclear fuel rods.
But strangled by greed and bludgeoned by war
Mythology, denial and so much bloody more.
See everything manufactured – in durable plastic
Never ending destruction of existence so drastic;
Reflections of need will dictate your flesh for sale
So cast your ship adrift, before the impending gale.
Like the Maple tree and the green leaf clover
The masquerade is finished, the carnival is over
Created into a specific time and into a explicit place
Still just a genetic accident – became the human race.
But reckless planet management, forever and a day
So enjoy the Last Dance and tango life away;
Lose the kingfisher bird and even grander
The elegant Snow Leopard and Giant Panda
When earth itself rejects our parasite species,
Sentiment free and armed with wanton thesis.
Time on this experiment – has unfortunately passed
With resources bled dry, now nothing will last.
Each sunset sees another genus disappear
The Polar Bear and the Wild Red Deer;
Destruction of rain forests, the ozone and oil
While the outpouring of factories, pollutes the very soil,
The treasures of evolution now depleted at pace
So call time at the bar, on the forlorn human race?
Or when monster nukes turns Terra into Super Nova
Turn the music off – The carnival is over.
From the highest mountain top to the deepest sea
Mankind destroys his environment with child like glee
With no forethought – he’s shallow and he’s blind
Let mother earth itself, another master find.