I’m still soaring high
Over trees and windmills,
Enthralled by freedom
Sex toys and cheap trills!
With the warhead of luxury
I try to weald a virtuous pen,
Please, The last of a breed;
Of honest delusional men?
The present is fleeting
Surely conformity can’t last,
Embrace the comin’ underworld
Then forget the bloody past.
For when the reason runs dry
Then to witness with delight,
Of the new world’s cynicism
And its hidden in full sight.
Is it wise to stop and think
When advised you should?
So entrust and indulge the ego
For nothing feels as good.
Woo Hedonism my dear friend
With soliloquies divine;
Then I flatter myself
Because it tingles my spine!
Is my Modernist thinking so derelict
In need much relevance of thought,
Too understand that it’s the individual
And to him should the onus be brought.
Life’s charges they demand
One to encounter such losses;
But becomes a cliché of acceptance
Smugly called, one of life’s crosses.
I forever toy with the principles
Of life’s meaningless futility;
And thus contently questioning
This existence’s raw palatability.
But are we not all prositutes
Who clutch this poisoned chalace?
Each encountering the suffering
And too polite to bear any malace.
Sometimes my punent opinionate
Is drawn from hallucinations,
Thus this exposes me to justify
My tainted aspirations;
So remember – the most beauitful song ever
It was left unsung
I see the end of days in dreams
When all the church bells rung.
Destroying and not creating
Is surely most sublime;
When man evolves to more or less
Become himself the very crime?
So where do thoughts go
When the will become eroded?
Mind cocked-at-the-trigger
Look, all primed and loaded!
If Poetry‘s the excuses
Forget the dysfunctional mind,
Keep imparting inappropriate intensions
Of the traumatic kind.
Narrate all your problems to the
Drunk maker or the brothel keeper,
To understand true pleasure seeking
And be buried in indolence ever deeper.
Being so distinctly intense
Life’s becomes hard to deliver.
Like when pleasuretime takes its toll,
Especially on the liver.
At the speed of life
That’s one long vacation;
Oh! the rumbundiousness,
A BrightonBrighton situation?
So always be genuine
Courteous – but ready to fright,
Deny the troublemaker
And exist early for the night.
Remain mellifluous to
What ever life brings;
Yet sometimes,
Yeah! I still smash things!