Born into the caste of the Brahmins sect
Yet taught equality and freedom to protect,
A life time advocating non-violence
And stand defiant – together in silence.
Plant flora of wisdom, never be aloof
Respect all creatures and always tell the truth,
The good and the great, his praises will sing
Like the American, called Martin Luther King.
His morals and philosophies, they would use
Both teachings actions and respected views;
And set to travel so far, a pacifist devotee
From the Gujarat forests – of the teak wood tree.
While foreigners by nature still under the yoke
He travelled to the metropolis, called the big smoke.
To learn jurisprudence in a city of pollution
Restraint, perseverance and judicial solution;
He walked upon the cobbled Dickensian Streets
In unpretentious search of vegetarian treats.
Through the corridors of London University College
Studying the traditions, wisdom and knowledge.
The journey continues to the Dark Continent
And the civil rights work, he was heaven sent,
Suid Afrika spawned a racial treasure trove
In dry heat and scent, of the Orange Blossom grove.
Soon to recognize that all was not right
As he fell victim, to the system apartheid;
Thrown off a train in the searing heat
For sitting in first class, a white man’s seat.
Then time to taste the gloomy brutality of war,
The futility and pointless, the slaughter and gore.
Formed the Ambulance corp. come hell or high water
Stretchered the dying, from unremitting slaughter.
Teaching philosophy of peace, that could never go stale
But on returning home, to be incarcerated in jail
Conducted with courage the non-cooperation movement
Encountering imperialist violence and cruel confinement;
Highest to Untouchables, everybody should count
Now the struggle for self rule was paramount;
Using the weapon of civil disobedience
Always non violence, the main ingredients.
Huge tasks provide, an ever increasing hurdle
With the parliamentary mix, it all did start to curdle;
Teaching and example, the people’s ambition united
Separation, independence and plans now blighted.
With perseverance, ideals and experience of cost
To rebuild a land from the mess – of empire lost.
The unmistakeable fragrance of a triumphant story,
Won India’s sacred freedom, plus the ensuing glory.
Like so many good men and women as well
The light was put out by the assassin’s shell;
His values are as good today, as in the past
In homes, like countries, the struggle can be vast.
Through experiments with truth, the solider of peace
Defined a philosophy that could never decrease.
A legacy of forbearance, stand eternal proof
Follows the principles of non-violence and truth.
Let all mankind disarm and follow your goal
Endowed indeed with title, of the Great Soul.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi