A late 1800s term for Gay, was ‘Sexually Insane’
And used throughout – Queens Victoria’s reign.
Then the swing 60s were so liberated, some might say
Although bigotry and ignorance still prolong today.
To be intolerant of others is quite vile and wrong
Enhances the need for the righteous to stay strong;
While milksops stay quite, they only smirk and muse
The just, must denounce – homophonic views.
Everyone should be free, to take another as a mate
For intolerance is a most disgusting, unacceptable type of hate,
At least now the charpering omi must make the time
When a bibi, dyke or breeder reports a hate crime.
Gone should be the days when people would frown
Now no longer hassled in clubs, by Alice Blue Gown;
Stories of the raid by the indigent Inspector Pine
This sparked the flash fire, which burnt bright in 69’.
Call it whatever, the lavender side on life
Subject of gossip be of your husband or wife;
When cornered is it easier, to just have lied
But don’t be in denial, don’t run away and hide.
From the petty uneducated, the trite cat call
Watch out boys, its backs against the wall.
Such boorish cliché which still today abide
She’s one of them; she bats for the other side.
And the fundamentalist, who are just to keen
They have nothing better to do than cause a scene;
Hear those bigots quoting from Leviticus 18:22
Let them justify 25:46, that advocates slavery too!
Whether palone – omi or chicken, stand up with pride
Accept no sexual intolerance there’s justice on your side,
Confront the petty people; don’t let them off the hook
Challenge the attitude, of the homophobe crook.
Love and desire, deep passion is healthy and pure
So ignore the stupid – that would advocate a cure;
No other person has the right to persecute you
Everyone must be free, to love who they want to.