I was tricked in Paris, there s no kudos that’s clear
Although I’ve been travelling for ten million year.
I’m cause celebre from the Unstable Milky Way
Says the Underground Man, enjoying heretics at play.
I copulate with deities and travel with stealth
Unlike the performance artist, I delight in myself.
So enjoy the human experience as a selfhood conclusive
Each one completely unique – so diversely exclusive;
I see Gomorrah tomorrow, I see Columbine today
When the cult of the useless, knee down to pray.
Sing songs of ideology, the righteous beyond their means
Are we all not sabot? I curse the damned machines;
More myth than fiction – from The Sacred Written Word
In search of Nogod The Blasphemer and his story to be heard.
I hear cries of doubt from the ideologist’s choir,
Without heart nor soul tonight, we are consumed by fire!
So the number of the selfhood is the amount of the perspective
A sum of the experiences where classifications are deceptive,
Honesty like poison, can make you heave and choke
Whose certainty is visible – through billowing haze of smoke.
I see Phalangist erect barricades, they’re desperate for a fight
They believe in translatic imperii – at the dead of the night;
Was my gross indecency to conduct public liaison?
To advocate a secular philosophy, very Culte de la Raison.
With the end of England’s mediocrity, just 3 meals away
But revolution, like Boho chic – it’s just so passe,
I’ve one figure on the trigger, one foot on the rung
And enjoyed the eerie irony, when executioners were hung.
Its only kinky politicians that Nogod permits to stay
Oh yes and book burning, that’s my favourite part of the day!
Beyond the principles of indifference, ones only choice is pain
An angry crass betrayal, burdens the children of the sane;
Does not the bombs in the high street create chronic desecration?
Because with the sunset of time – mankind does beg castration;
They’re a symbol of the New World said Johnny Tomorrow
Drenched in ethics and in blood – experiencing futile sorrow
To recognise morality and the revolution I sired,
Are my Notes not exclusive, or has the passion just expired?