Laid off workers with years of skill
High street shops – boarded and still;
Dole queues fodder into poverty they stumble
As industrial building, starting to crumble.
Stroke of a pen by a liquidator’s clerk
Prohibits the genuine, from their daily work;
Now the financers and fat cats, they perpetrate crime
Although never held to account, time after time.
Raging, snorting, they’re accumulating wealth
Under desk transactions, committed with stealth;
Fragrance of practice, creates a foul stink
But with honestly in exile, matters not what you think.
Buying up companies that they don’t need,
More and more to satisfy their insatiable greed;
Obtain multiple mortgages, from fraudulent mates
Honest-man-now-homeless, to increased rent and rates.
Vice president of what? long titles are preferred
While the voice of reason, never to be heard;
Make broad room decisions, then pretend to forget
With alcohol fuelled arrogant, no chance of regret.
Working people not given – their entitled due respect
Like Libor and false lending, were practices unchecked;
Banking chiefs resigned with a goldmine, not given the sack.
No apology No remorse – No bonuses clawed back,
The economy will rise again and again be subjected to abuse
Corporate greed once more, will be the people’s noose.