Bob a job, homework slob, hatchet gob, lynch mob;
Miss controlled, miss so bold, miss managed, miss filed.
It’s the final performance, of an unbalanced mind
See the outrage of nonsense, too many of a kind.
Such an ugly thing, a twisted vile ghoul
Go to lock down, there’s a shooter in the school.
Teeth flossed, legs crossed, reports tossed, commonsense lost,
Been to the zoo, sky is blue; we haven’t a clue, on what to do.
Security guard, was drunk again
He retreated odiously, off the rein.
Watch the sociopath survivalist starting to drool
Go to lock down, there’s a shooter in the school.
They mocking me, their shocking me, rocking me, still mocking me;
Dented fender, return to sender, aggressive agenda, went on a bender.
Warned again and again, it’s written in ink
Angry campaign – now close to the brink.
The dead world deities’ double edged tool
Go to lock down, there’s a shooter in the school.
Phone hacking, crone sacking, gun packing, shelf stacking;
Hang up, fuck up, hick up, stick up.
The sacked school sentinel, now psychotic and wild
Reload and fire, to kill another child.
No Halloween jape, no April fool
Go to lock down, there’s a shooter in the school.
Playing hard, what a card, emotions marred, security guard;
Glorious excess, anyone’s guess, bloody mess, one more less.
Umpteen pills and a bottle of gin
Box of bullets and a psychotic grin.
Dressed in combat black, avoid the blood pool
Go to lock down, there’s a shooter in the school.
Revenge unique, so tres chique, afraid to speak, shoot the weak;
Primal urges, raging surges, government purges, imbalance emerges.
The beloved truth, cause hysterical alarms
Everybody has the right, for them to bear arms.
Keep silent and hide, that’s the golden rule
Go to lock down – there’s a shooter in the school.