Allegrissimo : con brio
Do | Me | Not |
Think | Fuck | Resistance |
Freedom | Not | Stop |
And what of the bollocks, wilted utterances about football or the weather
Or the constant texting on phones “How are you? we so must get together…”
Forget platitudes and politeness – speak only of experience and real feelings
Exercise indomitable resolve, then celebrate a futile life’s dealings.
Exult in the passion you animal, like you’re a hungry carnivore
A catastrophe of nature – Unsullied pandemonium of the raw;
Still I absolve you clean, from every conceivable imperfection.
For you were born from a desire, called natural non selection?
To vainly understand little, save the occasional exhilaration
You may believe that you exist, to justify the impregnation.
Enjoy life’s little highs like comic characters in a brothel
Before becoming translucent with all the charisma of a fossil,
Mankind leaves nothing, expect bombs and the written word
Will the future’s cry of despondency – dwindle out unheard?
So when next acquaint to encounter – avoid the comfort of lying
If questioned with concern, Respond “We’re all bloody dying!”