The Kemptown Verses

By JJ Leahy


2) Nibiru to the Launderette
The planet Nibiru, sometimes called Planet X. It has an orbital path which takes it between Mars and Jupiter. Time processes at a speed which is determined by factors including its given location in the Universe. .

6) Defend Madrid
Tiocfaidh Ar La {Irish} : “Our day will come” / Jarama : River of Central Spain / Batalla del Jarama {Spanish}
Feale / Abhainn na Féile {Irish} : River in South West of Ireland

7) For Services Rendered
Stockley Carmichael also known as Kwame Touré / Civil rights activist

8) Trespass not into the Psyche
Das ich {German} : That I / Freudian terminology,
lingua franca {Latin} : trade language
Blast : Magazine of the Vorticist Movement

9) The Silence
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) 46 X,Y is categorised as a genetic disorder of sex development.

10) Eloquence of the Traumatic
bon gout {French} : taste good

11) Acceptance In Balance
Allegrissimo : con brio {Italian} / Perform at – livley tempo : with vigour

15) The Artist is Dead
Tempus edax rerum {Latin} : time, devourer of all things

17) Babbage’s Last Laugh
Voce dal suono robotica {Italian} : Robotic sounding voice

19) The Hashshashin and the Dolphin
Hashshashin {Arabic} : Term for an assassin.

27) Good As You
charpering omi {Polari} : Policeman / Alice Blue Gown : Under cover police

28) That Cambridge Jive
Hinc lucem et pocula sacra {Latin} : From this place we gain enlightenment
and precious knowledge ( Cambridge University motto),
Das Kapital {German} : Publication / Capital – Critique of Political Economy

32) Metaphysics of the Immoral
cras es noster {Latin} : The future is ours

33) GoldPrean
horrorcore (crash) : cold turkey / GoldPrean : ultimate luxury drug

35) Work Makes You Free
Arbeit Macht Frei {German} : Work makes you free

37) The Kemp Town Detective Agency
Livermorium : Element 116 (Lv) / radioactive synthetic super heavy element

39) Behind Windows
Sign in front window : Rooms to Let – No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish aloud in this accommodation

45) Dystopia of the Individual
translatic imperii {Latin} : transfer of power
Culte de la Raison {French} : Cult of Reason / (Culte de l’Être suprême)

47) The Kiss
Adagio : Tenerezza { Italian } / Perform at – Slow at ease : with tenderness

63) Big Black Car
au revoir {French} : goodbye for now

64) Hoax
déjà vu {French} : already seen

66) The Last Ever War
Soli Deo Gloria {Latin} : Glory to God alone

70) I De-construct
Timendi causa est nescire {Latin} : Ignorance is the cause of fear

71) When Thought Defies
cave fera mens {Latin} : beware the savage / beast of the mind
Persona non grata {Latin} : an unwelcome person

72) To Affinity & BeBlonde
cogito ergo sum {Latin} : I think, therefore I am / Occident, Europe and the Western Hemisphere

81) Stage Door Incident
poesia per quattro voci {Italian} : poem for four voices

84) Zhoosh
je ne sais quoi. {French} : I do not know what
La fete toute la nuit {French} : partying all night long

86) Uncomfortable In The Nuclear World
Faites confiance à la société pas {French} : Don’t trust the company
Sortir du nucleaire {French} : phase out nuclear power / name of a pressure group

89) They Shall Not Pass – No Pasaran
In absentia luci, tenebrae vincunt {Latin} : In the absence of light, darkness conquer / No Pasaran {Spannish} : They shall not pass

90) Exegesis
Exegesis {Greek} : to lead out / to interpret text

96) Joie de vivre
Joie de vivre {French} : joy of living,
memento mori {Latin} : remember that you must die

99) The Cognitive of the Gullible
Moderato : con fuoco / {Itilian} : Perform at – Moderate pace with fire

100) When Art Becomes
Mit der Kunst auf dem Prüfstand {German} : with art put to the test