Crash two protons together at speed
But where was this collision – set to lead?
Bathe in a new electric sunrise
Solution to be, not a total surprise.
Could the contents really be two graviton?
Would explain where the weight has gone.
To entreat, discover more cheeky particles
And foster a thousand more, bloody articles,
Who will accredit – the esteem and the marks
Look, I’ve found, 3 more cuddly quarks.
Now further inspection for what it yields
Or just the vector boson, of gluons fields.
Are you sure that’s a Higgs that been seen?
And not just a dirt speck on computer screen;
When smashing particles white coated sleuth
Results unthinkable, but absurd becomes truth.
Faith is required, to understand and see
Because found inside – yes that was infinity!
Whether cynic or saint, it hard to trust
An entire Universe made from fairy dust;
How the sceptic was bemused by the irony
Now it’s the scientist say – just believe in me.
Cheap news papers and dog brains screams
It’s the answer to everything! In reams and reams.
Forget what’s gone before, as we were taught
The laws of the Hadron – to be rethought,
Such truth revealed, is so much more
So what else does Spacetime have in store?
In side the smallest practical we understand
None could envisage, something so grand;
The scientist bless them, once so aloof
Stumble to produce, any mathematical proof.
Experimentation at this level, offers sticky risks
Can man comprehend what other gems exits?
All this excitement, fabrication or a wheeze
Create quark-gluon plasma at four trillion degrees.
Mini black holes in a bucket of strange matter
Both The Temple of the Obsessive and the earth could shatter;
Now pretend that we – are oh so clever
And explain phenomenal, percussions whatever.
When will mankind ever really understand
Whether Symmetry or jolly sparkles, live in proton land?