Fresh the breeze and salty sea spray
Soaked through – the fun packed day,
Estranged from the hectic world
Sails contentedly now unfurled.
B and B by the New Stein
Picturesque views for them to glean;
Along the cliff top they would climb
And swear true love to the end of time.
Oh! So happy and so completely free
Ran alone the pier then played in the sea,
Laughed and danced under the stars
Drank fizzy plonk in glitzy pink bars;
They’d start the night in the Coalition
Then to Funky Fish, in the intermission
All the fun with no extra fuss
Such precious moments, thus.
It was an unsullied life and simple too
So deeply special, was all they knew,
Watching the boats on incoming tide
Brighton by the sea, with nothing to hide.
Lazy pub lunches – forget the bloody career
Enjoying cocktails, winkles and gallons of beer,
Along the stony beach would they’d roam
Remember that star fish – all alone?
A special time, their passion to toast
Running hand in hand alone the coast;
So perfect indeed, they’re by the sea side
But back home in Norwood – their love it died.
Return to grime traffic, noise and smoke
Long working day – under the yoke,
Things were never again the same
Blaming each other, in the frame;
Liberty exchanged for South London grey
Gone was the freedom, of seaside holiday
Different people now, than they look
She’s change status – on face book.
Heart for sale, second hand and used
Sorely broken and rather bruised
Stuck now in a humdrum maze
Dreaming of – those magical days;
How they’d slow dance to Sexual Healing
Nothing left now, except that sinking feeling
Telling stories, of heartbreak and of scorn
Such affection in tatters – exhausted and worn,
Such Intense happiness so completely lost
At what expense and at what cost?
Their love has burnt out, well that much is clear
The lights have gone out – on the Brighton Pier.